XUAN / 2024

Recycled Shoe Rubber Stool · XUAN

Material: Recycled rubber shoe material

Size: Ø330×H470 mm

Weight: 17 kg

Colour: colorful

Recycled Shoe Rubber Stool

Currently, around 20 billion pairs of shoes are produced globally each year, with 95% ultimately being sent to landfills.

A typical shoe is composed of several synthetic materials, including nylon, polyester, polyurethane, EVA, TPU, synthetic rubber, and textile fibers. The outsoles of shoes generally use rubber with added carbon black and foamed rubber. Rubber waste decomposes extremely slowly, taking over 100 years. Incinerating rubber waste produces more than 250 kg of smoke and over 400 kg of toxic gases per ton. Large amounts of highly flammable rubber waste in landfills pose significant environmental and health issues, serving as convenient habitats for rodents and insects and becoming sources of dangerous infectious diseases. 

The increasing consumption of shoes and the rapid product turnover exacerbate the accumulation of rubber waste, threatening the environment.


The high proportion of recycled materials reduces waste generation and landfill, lessening the burden on waste treatment facilities and translating sustainability concepts into practical action. The stool's excellent weather resistance makes it suitable for various outdoor scenarios. The long-lasting material performance effectively reduces the energy consumption of new material production, significantly lowering the carbon footprint.

Safety and Comfort: The high resilience of recycled rubber shoe material provides impact protection and a comfortable sitting experience. 

The recycled rubber shoe material has a certain high-resilience texture, effectively preventing injuries from collisions in different scenarios. The product uses safe, non-toxic adhesives, meeting environmentally friendly and green safety requirements to ensure user health and safety. 

Material Aesthetics: Personalized colors and texture aesthetics, avant-garde material art.

By classifying and crushing recycled rubber shoe materials according to color and proportionally matching them, the stool exhibits personalized colors and microtextures, highlighting avant-garde material art. 

Each stool is a unique art piece of color and texture collage. The ingenious combination of rubber fragments in different colors creates a striking visual effect, showcasing the diversity of materials and the infinite possibilities of regeneration.

The product's shape and color design can be customized according to different application scenarios and customer needs, making it suitable for various spaces.

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